Thursday 7 February 2019

January/February 2019 update

January has come and gone in the blink of an eye! We had a lovely family visit The Bach on the 4th February. Bernedette Lim and Brian Gwyn have been living in Whangarei for the past 30 years. She had her daughter, sister and niece come visit her from Malaysia and was showing them around the city when they came upon our tapestry project. They were invited to try some weaving and positively responsed with "yes, please - we'd love to!"
 Audrey Siraya from Malacca, Malaysia had a lot of fun weaving and was very happy to have seen our tapestry with her family.
 Her daughter, Ashreina (18 years old) loved her new experience of weaving.
 Sister Mariana from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia thought the tapestry was very beautiful. Bernedette and Brian said it a very nice, an excellent project!

Here are a couple of close-up photos of where we are at.
Above: Naoko working on the tapestry.
The sun and clouds have been woven and we are almost at the top of the sky. 
The whetu or carved face has been completed and there is now only a small amount of the tukutuku (kaokao) panel to weave above it.

Thanks for stopping by to check on The Bach Tapestry project. Watch this "space" for what is coming next!